Tuesday, 6 March 2012

The Economy

So I was watching a documentary on a cannel that I stumbled upon and forgot the name. The documentary was about the economy and the people in the documentary were trying to find out how people become poor. They interviewed a man struggling financially and said that his mom's parents were also struggling which leads to his own parents struggling which leads to him. So it got me thinking why doesn't the government do something about this vicious cycle of poverty. If they don't do something soon all the families that are struggling financially will eventually come to a point where the last generation can't go on anymore. I also heard in the documentary that the government does help but only when it's basically to late. This makes me upset because by the time the government comes to help there is no use for the money. Especially since its given once a month and it's not much anyway (at least the documentary said its a small amount). I think the goverment should help at the time the people's finnace is just becoming bad. Not when its hit rock bottom. I wish our economy was better. Although I'm living somewhere with one of the best economies, does not mean its a good economy. To anyone dealing with finnacial issues I wish all the best and hope it becomes better.

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